Places to Visit
There are many places to visit during your stay
in one of our superb self-catering holiday chalets, and many lovely
walks and other activities. Here are links to just a few...
Cardoness Castle
For a castle designed primarily to house the family of the local laird,
Cardoness enjoys a remarkably strong defensive position, on a rocky
bluff overlooking the northern end of Fleet Bay. It was even more
daunting when built, with the base of the rock lapped by the sea
until the surrounding land was reclaimed for agriculture in 1824.
Murray Isles
Two small uninhabited islands in the Islands of Fleet, Wigtown Bay, off
Carrick Point. The islands are host to a colony of cormorants and are
significant as a site for breeding gulls.
Caerlaverock Castle
With its moat, twin towered gatehouse and imposing battlements, Caerlaverock
Castle is the epitome of the medieval stronghold. The castle’s
turbulent history owes much to its proximity to England which brought
it into border conflicts.
Dumfries and Galloway Tourist Board
Imagine standing on the cliffs at Scotland's most southerly point,
breathing the fresh ocean air, watching as seabirds glide below, listening
to the crash of the waves and looking out to the horizon and seeing
Ireland, England and the Isle of Man, silhouetted against the setting
Historic Scotland
Safeguarding the nation's historic environment and
promoting its understanding and enjoyment on behalf of Scottish Ministers.
In our website you can find information on more than 300 properties
in our care and Scotland's listed buildings and scheduled ancient monuments.
Please click here to download your free PDF guide
courtesy of Historic Scotland.
